[][src]Struct palette::Hwb

pub struct Hwb<S = Srgb, T = f32> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace
{ pub hue: RgbHue<T>, pub whiteness: T, pub blackness: T, pub space: PhantomData<S>, }

Linear HWB color space.

HWB is a cylindrical version of RGB and it's very closely related to HSV. It describes colors with a starting hue, then a degree of whiteness and blackness to mix into that base hue.

It is very intuitive for humans to use and many color-pickers are based on the HWB color system


hue: RgbHue<T>

The hue of the color, in degrees. Decides if it's red, blue, purple, etc. Same as the hue for HSL and HSV.

whiteness: T

The whiteness of the color. It specifies the amount white to mix into the hue. It varies from 0 to 1, with 1 being always full white and 0 always being the color shade (a mixture of a pure hue with black) chosen with the other two controls.

blackness: T

The blackness of the color. It specifies the amount black to mix into the hue. It varies from 0 to 1, with 1 being always full black and 0 always being the color tint (a mixture of a pure hue with white) chosen with the other two

space: PhantomData<S>

The white point and RGB primaries this color is adapted to. The default is the sRGB standard.


impl<T> Hwb<Srgb, T> where
    T: Component + Float

pub fn new<H: Into<RgbHue<T>>>(
    hue: H,
    whiteness: T,
    blackness: T
) -> Hwb<Srgb, T>

HWB for linear sRGB.

impl<S, T> Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

pub fn with_wp<H: Into<RgbHue<T>>>(
    hue: H,
    whiteness: T,
    blackness: T
) -> Hwb<S, T>

Linear HWB.

pub fn into_components(self) -> (RgbHue<T>, T, T)[src]

Convert to a (hue, whiteness, blackness) tuple.

pub fn from_components<H: Into<RgbHue<T>>>(
    (hue, whiteness, blackness): (H, T, T)
) -> Self

Convert from a (hue, whiteness, blackness) tuple.

Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> FromColor<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

fn from_yxy(inp: Yxy<Wp, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from Yxy color space

fn from_lab(inp: Lab<Wp, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from Lab* color space

fn from_lch(inp: Lch<Wp, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from LCh° color space

fn from_rgb<S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>>(inp: Rgb<Linear<S>, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from RGB color space

fn from_hsl<S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>>(inp: Hsl<S, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from HSL color space

fn from_luma(inp: Luma<Linear<Wp>, T>) -> Self[src]

Convert from Luma

impl<S, Wp, T> IntoColor<Wp, T> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

fn into_hwb<S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>>(self) -> Hwb<S, T>[src]

Convert into HWB color space

impl<S, T> Pixel<T> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

fn as_raw<P: RawPixel<T> + ?Sized>(&self) -> &P[src]

Cast as a reference to raw color components.

fn as_raw_mut<P: RawPixel<T> + ?Sized>(&mut self) -> &mut P[src]

Cast as a mutable reference to raw color components.

fn into_raw<P: RawPixelSized<T>>(self) -> P[src]

Convert from raw color components.

fn from_raw<P: RawPixel<T> + ?Sized>(pixel: &P) -> &Self[src]

Cast from a reference to raw color components.

fn from_raw_mut<P: RawPixel<T> + ?Sized>(pixel: &mut P) -> &mut Self[src]

Cast from a mutable reference to raw color components.

fn from_raw_slice(slice: &[T]) -> &[Self][src]

Cast a slice of raw color components to a slice of colors. Read more

fn from_raw_slice_mut(slice: &mut [T]) -> &mut [Self][src]

Cast a mutable slice of raw color components to a mutable slice of colors. Read more

fn into_raw_slice(slice: &[Self]) -> &[T][src]

Cast a slice of colors to a slice of raw color components. Read more

fn into_raw_slice_mut(slice: &mut [Self]) -> &mut [T][src]

Cast a mutable slice of colors to a mutable slice of raw color components. Read more

impl<S, T> Limited for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T> Mix for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Scalar = T

The type of the mixing factor.

impl<S, T> Shade for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Scalar = T

The type of the lighten/darken amount.

fn darken(&self, amount: Self::Scalar) -> Self[src]

Darken the color by amount.

impl<S, T> GetHue for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Hue = RgbHue<T>

The kind of hue unit this color space uses. Read more

impl<S, T> Hue for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T> Copy for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsRef<P> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

impl<S, T> Default for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T> Clone for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<S: PartialEq, T: PartialEq> PartialEq<Hwb<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T> From<Hwb<S, T>> for Hsl<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Hwb<S, T>> for Alpha<Hsl<S, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Hwb<S, T>> for Alpha<Hsv<S, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, Sp, T> From<Hwb<Sp, T>> for Hsv<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    Sp: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Rgb<_S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbStandard<Space = S>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Alpha<Rgb<_S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbStandard<Space = S>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Luma<_S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Alpha<Luma<_S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T> From<Hsl<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Hsl<S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Hsv<S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Hwb<S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Lab<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Lab<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Lch<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Lch<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Xyz<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Yxy<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Yxy<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Color<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Alpha<Color<S, T>, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Component + Float

impl<S, T> From<Xyz<<S as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T, Sp> From<Hsv<Sp, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    Sp: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S: RgbSpace, T: Component + Float, H: Into<RgbHue<T>>> From<(H, T, T)> for Hwb<S, T>[src]

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Lab<Wp, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Alpha<Lab<Wp, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Lch<Wp, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Alpha<Lch<Wp, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Alpha<Luma<S, T>, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> From<Hwb<<S as RgbStandard>::Space, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> From<Hwb<<S as RgbStandard>::Space, T>> for Alpha<Rgb<S, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Xyz<Wp, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Alpha<Xyz<Wp, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Yxy<Wp, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> From<Hwb<_S, T>> for Alpha<Yxy<Wp, T>, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float,
    _S: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T> From<Hwb<S, T>> for Color<S, T> where
    T: Float + Component,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S: RgbSpace, T: Component + Float> Into<(RgbHue<T>, T, T)> for Hwb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsMut<P> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

impl<S: Debug, T: Debug> Debug for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

impl<S, T> Add<Hwb<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Output = Hwb<S, T>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> Add<T> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Output = Hwb<S, T>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> Sub<Hwb<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Output = Hwb<S, T>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> Sub<T> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Output = Hwb<S, T>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> ApproxEq for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float + ApproxEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy + Float,
    S: RgbSpace

type Epsilon = <T as ApproxEq>::Epsilon

Used for specifying relative comparisons.

fn relative_ne(
    other: &Self,
    epsilon: Self::Epsilon,
    max_relative: Self::Epsilon
) -> bool

The inverse of ApproxEq::relative_eq.

fn ulps_ne(&self, other: &Self, epsilon: Self::Epsilon, max_ulps: u32) -> bool[src]

The inverse of ApproxEq::ulps_eq.

impl<S, T> Serialize for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Serialize

impl<'de, S, T> Deserialize<'de> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Float,
    S: RgbSpace,
    T: Deserialize<'de>, 

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> Unpin for Hwb<S, T> where
    S: Unpin,
    T: Unpin

impl<S, T> Sync for Hwb<S, T> where
    S: Sync,
    T: Sync

impl<S, T> Send for Hwb<S, T> where
    S: Send,
    T: Send

impl<S, T> UnwindSafe for Hwb<S, T> where
    S: UnwindSafe,
    T: UnwindSafe

impl<S, T> RefUnwindSafe for Hwb<S, T> where
    S: RefUnwindSafe,
    T: RefUnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T> for D where
    D: FromColor<Dwp, T>,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    S: IntoColor<Swp, T>,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float

fn adapt_from(color: S) -> Self[src]

Convert the source color to the destination color using the bradford method by default Read more

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptInto<D, Swp, Dwp, T> for S where
    D: AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T>,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float

fn adapt_into(self) -> D[src]

Convert the source color to the destination color using the bradford method by default Read more

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T where
    T: Deserialize<'de>, 