[−][src]Trait amethyst_rendy::palette::GetHue
A trait for colors where a hue may be calculated.
use palette::{GetHue, LinSrgb}; let red = LinSrgb::new(1.0f32, 0.0, 0.0); let green = LinSrgb::new(0.0f32, 1.0, 0.0); let blue = LinSrgb::new(0.0f32, 0.0, 1.0); let gray = LinSrgb::new(0.5f32, 0.5, 0.5); assert_eq!(red.get_hue(), Some(0.0.into())); assert_eq!(green.get_hue(), Some(120.0.into())); assert_eq!(blue.get_hue(), Some(240.0.into())); assert_eq!(gray.get_hue(), None);
Associated Types
type Hue
The kind of hue unit this color space uses.
The hue is most commonly calculated as an angle around a color circle and may not always be uniform between color spaces. It's therefore not recommended to take one type of hue and apply it to a color space that expects an other.
Required methods
fn get_hue(&self) -> Option<Self::Hue>
Calculate a hue if possible.
Colors in the gray scale has no well defined hue and should preferably
return None
impl<C, T> GetHue for Alpha<C, T> where
C: GetHue,
C: GetHue,
impl<S, T> GetHue for Color<S, T> where
S: RgbSpace,
T: Float + Component,
S: RgbSpace,
T: Float + Component,
impl<S, T> GetHue for Rgb<S, T> where
S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
T: Component + Float,
S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
T: Component + Float,
impl<S, T> GetHue for Hsl<S, T> where
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
impl<S, T> GetHue for Hsv<S, T> where
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
impl<S, T> GetHue for Hwb<S, T> where
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
S: RgbSpace,
T: Component + Float,
impl<Wp, T> GetHue for Lab<Wp, T> where
T: Component + Float,
Wp: WhitePoint,
T: Component + Float,
Wp: WhitePoint,
impl<Wp, T> GetHue for Lch<Wp, T> where
T: Component + Float,
Wp: WhitePoint,
T: Component + Float,
Wp: WhitePoint,