[][src]Trait wayland_protocols::unstable::text_input::v3::client::zwp_text_input_manager_v3::RequestsTrait

pub trait RequestsTrait {
    fn destroy(&self);
fn get_text_input<F>(
        seat: &Proxy<WlSeat>,
        implementor: F
    ) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpTextInputV3>, ()>
        F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpTextInputV3>) -> Proxy<ZwpTextInputV3>
; }

Required methods

fn destroy(&self)

Destroy the wp_text_input_manager

Destroy the wp_text_input_manager object.

This is a destructor, you cannot send requests to this object any longer once this method is called.

fn get_text_input<F>(
    seat: &Proxy<WlSeat>,
    implementor: F
) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpTextInputV3>, ()> where
    F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpTextInputV3>) -> Proxy<ZwpTextInputV3>, 

create a new text input object

Creates a new text-input object for a given seat.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl RequestsTrait for Proxy<ZwpTextInputManagerV3>[src]

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