[][src]Trait wayland_protocols::unstable::input_timestamps::v1::client::zwp_input_timestamps_manager_v1::RequestsTrait

pub trait RequestsTrait {
    fn destroy(&self);
fn get_keyboard_timestamps<F>(
        keyboard: &Proxy<WlKeyboard>,
        implementor: F
    ) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()>
        F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>
fn get_pointer_timestamps<F>(
        pointer: &Proxy<WlPointer>,
        implementor: F
    ) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()>
        F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>
fn get_touch_timestamps<F>(
        touch: &Proxy<WlTouch>,
        implementor: F
    ) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()>
        F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>
; }

Required methods

fn destroy(&self)

destroy the input timestamps manager object

Informs the server that the client will no longer be using this protocol object. Existing objects created by this object are not affected.

This is a destructor, you cannot send requests to this object any longer once this method is called.

fn get_keyboard_timestamps<F>(
    keyboard: &Proxy<WlKeyboard>,
    implementor: F
) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()> where
    F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, 

subscribe to high-resolution keyboard timestamp events

Creates a new input timestamps object that represents a subscription to high-resolution timestamp events for all wl_keyboard events that carry a timestamp.

If the associated wl_keyboard object is invalidated, either through client action (e.g. release) or server-side changes, the input timestamps object becomes inert and the client should destroy it by calling zwp_input_timestamps_v1.destroy.

fn get_pointer_timestamps<F>(
    pointer: &Proxy<WlPointer>,
    implementor: F
) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()> where
    F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, 

subscribe to high-resolution pointer timestamp events

Creates a new input timestamps object that represents a subscription to high-resolution timestamp events for all wl_pointer events that carry a timestamp.

If the associated wl_pointer object is invalidated, either through client action (e.g. release) or server-side changes, the input timestamps object becomes inert and the client should destroy it by calling zwp_input_timestamps_v1.destroy.

fn get_touch_timestamps<F>(
    touch: &Proxy<WlTouch>,
    implementor: F
) -> Result<Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, ()> where
    F: FnOnce(NewProxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>) -> Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsV1>, 

subscribe to high-resolution touch timestamp events

Creates a new input timestamps object that represents a subscription to high-resolution timestamp events for all wl_touch events that carry a timestamp.

If the associated wl_touch object becomes invalid, either through client action (e.g. release) or server-side changes, the input timestamps object becomes inert and the client should destroy it by calling zwp_input_timestamps_v1.destroy.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl RequestsTrait for Proxy<ZwpInputTimestampsManagerV1>[src]

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