[][src]Struct amethyst_rendy::rendy::wsi::winit::os::unix::x11::ffi::Xcursor

pub struct Xcursor {
    pub XcursorAnimateCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorCursors) -> *mut _XcursorAnimate,
    pub XcursorAnimateDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorAnimate),
    pub XcursorAnimateNext: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorAnimate) -> u64,
    pub XcursorCommentCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, i32) -> *mut _XcursorComment,
    pub XcursorCommentDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorComment),
    pub XcursorCommentsCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32) -> *mut _XcursorComments,
    pub XcursorCommentsDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorComments),
    pub XcursorCursorsCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> *mut _XcursorCursors,
    pub XcursorCursorsDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorCursors),
    pub XcursorFileLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorFileLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorFileLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorFileLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> u64,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> *mut _XcursorCursors,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorFilenameLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorFilenameSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorFilenameSaveImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorFileSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorFileSaveImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorGetDefaultSize: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32,
    pub XcursorGetTheme: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> *mut i8,
    pub XcursorGetThemeCore: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32,
    pub XcursorImageCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorImageDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImage),
    pub XcursorImageHash: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, *mut u8),
    pub XcursorImageLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImage) -> u64,
    pub XcursorImagesCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorImagesDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImages),
    pub XcursorImagesLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImages) -> u64,
    pub XcursorImagesLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImages) -> *mut _XcursorCursors,
    pub XcursorImagesSetName: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImages, *const i8),
    pub XcursorLibraryLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> u64,
    pub XcursorLibraryLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> *mut _XcursorCursors,
    pub XcursorLibraryLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorLibraryLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorLibraryPath: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *const i8,
    pub XcursorLibraryShape: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8) -> i32,
    pub XcursorNoticeCreateBitmap: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u32, u32),
    pub XcursorNoticePutBitmap: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, *mut XImage),
    pub XcursorSetDefaultSize: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> i32,
    pub XcursorSetTheme: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> i32,
    pub XcursorSetThemeCore: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> i32,
    pub XcursorShapeLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u32) -> u64,
    pub XcursorShapeLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u32) -> *mut _XcursorCursors,
    pub XcursorShapeLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorShapeLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorSupportsAnim: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32,
    pub XcursorSupportsARGB: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32,
    pub XcursorTryShapeBitmapCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u64, *mut XColor, *mut XColor, u32, u32) -> u64,
    pub XcursorTryShapeCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u64, u32, u32, *const XColor, *const XColor) -> u64,
    pub XcursorXcFileLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    pub XcursorXcFileLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorXcFileLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImage,
    pub XcursorXcFileLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImages,
    pub XcursorXcFileSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32,
    // some fields omitted


XcursorAnimateCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorCursors) -> *mut _XcursorAnimateXcursorAnimateDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorAnimate)XcursorAnimateNext: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorAnimate) -> u64XcursorCommentCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, i32) -> *mut _XcursorCommentXcursorCommentDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorComment)XcursorCommentsCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32) -> *mut _XcursorCommentsXcursorCommentsDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorComments)XcursorCursorsCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> *mut _XcursorCursorsXcursorCursorsDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorCursors)XcursorFileLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorFileLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorFileLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorFileLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorFilenameLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorFilenameLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorFilenameLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> u64XcursorFilenameLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> *mut _XcursorCursorsXcursorFilenameLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorFilenameLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorFilenameSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorFilenameSaveImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorFileSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorFileSaveImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut FILE, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorGetDefaultSize: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32XcursorGetTheme: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> *mut i8XcursorGetThemeCore: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32XcursorImageCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorImageDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImage)XcursorImageHash: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut XImage, *mut u8)XcursorImageLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImage) -> u64XcursorImagesCreate: unsafe extern "C" fn(i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorImagesDestroy: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImages)XcursorImagesLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImages) -> u64XcursorImagesLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const _XcursorImages) -> *mut _XcursorCursorsXcursorImagesSetName: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorImages, *const i8)XcursorLibraryLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> u64XcursorLibraryLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> *mut _XcursorCursorsXcursorLibraryLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorLibraryLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorLibraryPath: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *const i8XcursorLibraryShape: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8) -> i32XcursorNoticeCreateBitmap: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u32, u32)XcursorNoticePutBitmap: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, *mut XImage)XcursorSetDefaultSize: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> i32XcursorSetTheme: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, *const i8) -> i32XcursorSetThemeCore: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, i32) -> i32XcursorShapeLoadCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u32) -> u64XcursorShapeLoadCursors: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u32) -> *mut _XcursorCursorsXcursorShapeLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorShapeLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(u32, *const i8, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorSupportsAnim: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32XcursorSupportsARGB: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay) -> i32XcursorTryShapeBitmapCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u64, *mut XColor, *mut XColor, u32, u32) -> u64XcursorTryShapeCursor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XDisplay, u64, u64, u32, u32, *const XColor, *const XColor) -> u64XcursorXcFileLoad: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, *mut *mut _XcursorComments, *mut *mut _XcursorImages) -> i32XcursorXcFileLoadAllImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorXcFileLoadImage: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImageXcursorXcFileLoadImages: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, i32) -> *mut _XcursorImagesXcursorXcFileSave: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut _XcursorFile, *const _XcursorComments, *const _XcursorImages) -> i32


impl Xcursor[src]

pub fn open() -> Result<Xcursor, OpenError>[src]

Trait Implementations

impl Sync for Xcursor[src]

impl Send for Xcursor[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl Unpin for Xcursor

impl UnwindSafe for Xcursor

impl RefUnwindSafe for Xcursor

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptInto<D, Swp, Dwp, T> for S where
    D: AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T>,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    T: Component + Float

fn adapt_into(self) -> D[src]

Convert the source color to the destination color using the bradford method by default Read more

impl<T> SetParameter for T[src]

fn set<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> <T as Parameter<Self>>::Result where
    T: Parameter<Self>, 

Sets value as a parameter of self.

impl<T> Supports<T> for T[src]

impl<T> Erased for T[src]

impl<T> Same<T> for T[src]

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<SS, SP> SupersetOf<SS> for SP where
    SS: SubsetOf<SP>, 

impl<T> Resource for T where
    T: Any + Send + Sync

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: Any

impl<T> Event for T where
    T: Send + Sync + 'static, 