[][src]Trait amethyst_rendy::rendy::graph::render::SimpleGraphicsPipeline

pub trait SimpleGraphicsPipeline<B, T>: 'static + Send + Sync + Debug where
    B: Backend,
    T: ?Sized,
    <Self::Desc as SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc<B, T>>::Pipeline == Self, 
{ type Desc: SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc<B, T>; fn draw(
        &mut self,
        layout: &<B as Backend>::PipelineLayout,
        encoder: RenderPassEncoder<B>,
        index: usize,
        aux: &T
fn dispose(self, factory: &mut Factory<B>, aux: &T); fn builder() -> DescBuilder<B, T, SimpleRenderGroupDesc<Self::Desc>>
        Self::Desc: Default
, { ... }
fn prepare(
        &mut self,
        _factory: &Factory<B>,
        _queue: QueueId,
        _set_layouts: &[Handle<DescriptorSetLayout<B>>],
        _index: usize,
        _aux: &T
    ) -> PrepareResult { ... } }

Simple render pipeline.

Associated Types

type Desc: SimpleGraphicsPipelineDesc<B, T>

This pipeline descriptor.

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Required methods

fn draw(
    &mut self,
    layout: &<B as Backend>::PipelineLayout,
    encoder: RenderPassEncoder<B>,
    index: usize,
    aux: &T

Record drawing commands to the command buffer provided.

fn dispose(self, factory: &mut Factory<B>, aux: &T)

Free all resources and destroy pipeline instance.

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Provided methods

fn builder() -> DescBuilder<B, T, SimpleRenderGroupDesc<Self::Desc>> where
    Self::Desc: Default

Make simple render group builder.

fn prepare(
    &mut self,
    _factory: &Factory<B>,
    _queue: QueueId,
    _set_layouts: &[Handle<DescriptorSetLayout<B>>],
    _index: usize,
    _aux: &T
) -> PrepareResult

Prepare to record drawing commands.

Should return true if commands must be re-recorded.

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